Dental Healthhalitosis
August 7, 2014

The Most Common Causes of Bad Breath

Nobody wants to be known as “that guy with bad breath” so it’s important to know what causes it and what you can do about it. This post will do just that. As holistic dentists, Aesthetic Family Dentistry concerns itself with all aspects of your wellbeing and bad breath is just one area of our expertise. Bad breath is known…
CavitiesDental HealthFear of Dentist
June 9, 2014

How to Make Your Dentist Happy

Cavities are one of the most popular dental complaints in the world and yet are easily avoided with proper care. While it’s vital that you visit your dentist regularly for checkups, there is a lot you can do yourself to prevent cavities appearing. Cavities are a symptom of tooth decay caused by bacteria that gets into the teeth and eats…
CavitiesDental HealthOral Health
May 28, 2014

Ways to Prevent Cavities

Tooth decay is America’s number one oral health challenge. It’s also the number one chronic childhood illness. Over a quarter of all children under the age of 5 have some form of tooth decay. Over half those aged between 12 – 15 years old have it too. Those are sobering statistics. Even more so when you consider tooth decay is…
Dental HealthDental QuestionsTMJ
May 8, 2014

How is TMJ Diagnosed?

Temporomandibular joint disorder, TMJ, is a common issue that affects many of us at one time or another. It is a fairly straightforward condition with some simple solutions, but can cause a lot of discomfort until treated. TMJ is often misdiagnosed as other things. The main symptoms of headaches, neck pain, muscle pain, limited movement in the jaw or clicking…