Dental HealthDental QuestionsTMJ
May 8, 2014

How is TMJ Diagnosed?

Temporomandibular joint disorder, TMJ, is a common issue that affects many of us at one time or another. It is a fairly straightforward condition with some simple solutions, but can cause a lot of discomfort until treated. TMJ is often misdiagnosed as other things. The main symptoms of headaches, neck pain, muscle pain, limited movement in the jaw or clicking…
Dental QuestionsDr. Derek FineVeneers
January 28, 2014

How Long do Dental Veneers Last?

We’re more than happy to answer all your dentist related questions. We regard it as part of our role as holistic dentists to ensure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision about your health. To help with that, we answer many of the more popular questions here on the Aesthetic Family Dentistry blog. Today we’re…