Sleep ApneaYour Dentist
February 1, 2017

Chronic sleep deprivation suppresses immune system

Many people report getting sick when they don't get enough sleep. A new study helps explain why. Researchers took blood samples from 11 pairs of identical twins with different sleep patterns and discovered that the twin with shorter sleep duration had a depressed immune system, compared with his or her sibling. The findings were published Jan. 25 in the journal Sleep.…
Dental HealthGum diseaseUncategorizedYour Dentist
January 31, 2017

Protect Your Gum Health With Perio Protect®

RECENT STUDIES SHOW nearly half of all adults have some degree of gum disease. Although some periodontal treatments can be invasive or ineffective, The Perio Tray® by Perio Protect® is a simple treatment that reaches where your toothbrush, floss and mouthrinse can’t. Perio Protect Treats Gum Disease Between Visits Perio Protect is a comprehensive periodontal treatment approach that combines professional…
Dental CareDental HealthDr. Alan SteinerDr. Derek FineYour Dentist
January 13, 2017

What is buffering anesthetic and how does it benefit me?

You may have heard the term, ‘buffering anesthetic’ in relation to dentistry or even medicine wondered about it or know a little and want to know more. Either way, we here at Aesthetic Family Dentistry are more than happy to help. Buffering anesthetic is a term used to describe a technique we use to make anesthetic injections less uncomfortable. Even…
Dental HealthDr. Derek Fineprimary teethYour Dentist
December 14, 2016

Everything you need to know about the Pinhole Surgical Technique™

Aesthetic Family Dentistry in Denville, New Jersey is offering a revolutionary new treatment for gum recession. Called the Pinhole Surgical Technique™, it is a brand new way to treat receding gums without invasive surgery and extended recovery times. As holistic dentists, this is something we can really get behind. That’s why we are so excited to offer this new treatment.…
Dental QuestionsDr. Derek FineYour Dentist
November 30, 2016

Biological dentistry and the benefits of mercury-free fillings

Intellectually, the idea of putting a known toxic substance into your mouth and leaving it there seems crazy. Yet for many years, that’s exactly what we did with mercury amalgam. Now, in the more enlightened age of biological dentistry, we have awakened to the danger of this compound and shifted to a much safer materials. At the time, dentists never…
Dental QuestionsDr. Alan SteinerDr. Derek FineFamily DentistryFear of DentistGum diseaseYour Dentist
November 18, 2016

The Chao Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation™ treatment process

Last week Aesthetic Family Dentistry announced the arrival of the innovative Chao Pinhole™ Surgical Technique (PST). A new treatment for gum recession that is changing the way we manage the condition. As we are now offering the procedure to our Denville, NJ patients, we thought we would explain a little more about how it works. First let us cover how…
Gum diseasehealthy mouthhealthy teethYour Dentist
November 3, 2016

Aesthetic Family Dentistry brings a new treatment for receding gums to Denville, NJ

Here at Aesthetic Family Dentistry, we are always looking at new ways to treat our patients in the best ways possible. If that treatment is also minimally invasive, very effective and can get you back on your feet with minimum recovery all the better. One such treatment is for receding gums and it is now available at your favorite Denville…
Dr. Derek FineFamily DentistryGum diseaseperfect smileYour Dentist
September 16, 2016

Aesthetic Family Dentistry brings a Revolutionary, Breakthrough treatment for receding gums to Denville, NJ

Here at Aesthetic Family Dentistry, we are always looking at new ways to treat our patients in the best ways possible. If that treatment is also minimally invasive, very effective and can get you back on your feet with minimum recovery all the better. One such treatment is for receding gums and it is now available at your favorite Denville…