If you really want an eye-opener regarding the food industry, watch the movie
“Food, Inc”.
Other eye opening movies are “Forks over Knives” and “The Beautiful Truth”
If you are overweight, or have Diabetes, take a look at “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” Diabetes and dentistry is a passion of mine. Diabetes comes into play in everything from ” Mini Dental Implants” to, “Cosmetic Dentistry”.
The entire food industry is being driven by government subsidized corn crops. We have taught cattle and chickens to grow eating corn.
We have unhealthy soy beans as a result of genetically engineered soys, owned by Corporate America.
EColi in leafy greens? It’s because the water table is being polluted down stream, by cattle and pigs which produce EColi as a result of eating corn, not grass and hay.
Dehydrogenated oils have been replaced with high fructose syrup. One poison
for another. There is a reason we are getting fatter as a society. There
is a reason adult onset diabetes is showing up in kids. You can not safely
eat anything made by any of the food giants. There is a reason cookies can
keep for months, why Ritz crackers can stay in you pantry “edible” for years .
Want to be healthy and avoid cancer? Eat Organic, cut down on animal products, start juicing.
Here at Aesthetic Family Dentistry we are concerned about your entire health. We start at your mouth and work out way down. Sometimes we work out way up as well. (That’s another blog)
Alan B. Steiner DMD.