If you come to our dental surgery to have dental implants, we will discuss at length what’s involved, what to expect and how to care for your implants once they are installed. We also build a home care regimen for you to follow that offers the best possible care for you and your dental implants.
If you’re thinking of having this procedure, and would like to know what’s involved in advance, here is what you will need to do to look after your dental implants.
Caring for Dental Implants
Essentially, caring for your new dental implants is much the same as caring for your real teeth. A good oral health regimen is necessary that includes regular brushing, flossing and a healthy diet.
Depending on your particular situation, your dentist may suggest using a special floss or interproximal toothbrush to care for your dental implants. These products are designed to work with the implant and clean around them without damaging them. Some dentists may suggest antibacterial mouthwash too.
We usually suggest a natural toothpaste without fluoride and abrasives. Both of these wear down dental implants and can reduce their useful life. There are plenty of alternatives on the market, which we would be happy to advise you on. Mouthwash is much the same, some contain fluoride, others contain alcohol. Neither of which we regard as being healthy for you or your mouth.
Looking after your dental implants, like your teeth, is an investment. Look after them well, keep them clean and free from plaque and they will reward you with a lifetime of comfort and use.
Neglect them, don’t clean them properly, don’t follow our advice and your implants and surrounding teeth will reward that with gum disease, plaque and possibly more tooth loss. Failure to look after dental implants can result in gum infection, bleeding gums, pain and irritation. That’s why it’s so important to look after them properly.
As well as home care, we would suggest visiting your dentists more often than you used to. Depending on your personal situation, we would suggest once every three months to begin with, then every six once the dental implants are healed and you are confident in looking after them.
If you’re considering dental implants, have them done the holistic way with Aesthetic Family Dentistry. Contact us today to make an appointment!