Dental implants are a fantastic solution to a whole range of oral health issues. They work well in many situations and many of our patients find their smile transformed once the implants are installed.
But once you have dental implants, how do you care for them and your natural teeth? Read on to find out!
Looking after your dental implants
One of the many advantages of using implants as a treatment is that they can be cleaned and maintained just like natural teeth. That means brushing twice a day, flossing daily and making regular trips to your dentist’s for a checkup. Water picking is a must for dental implants to maintain health and keep pain free.
Here are our top tips for maintaining dental implants.
Brushing – Just like your natural teeth, brushing twice a day is the core of good oral hygiene. Make sure to use a suitable toothbrush, an electric one if you can and use a good brushing technique.
Using good quality toothpaste that doesn’t contain abrasives is an important part of brushing your teeth too. As is using a good toothbrush with a bristle stiffness that suits you. We can help with toothbrush and toothpaste selection and even brushing technique should you require it.
Flossing and Water picking– Flossing is an integral part of oral hygiene and one you should embrace if you want to keep your mouth as healthy as possible. Just like natural teeth, food gets caught around and between teeth that can cause periodontal disease if left unchecked. A daily flossing regimen is essential to keep your mouth as clean as possible.
Interproximal brushing – Depending on your situation, we may also suggest brushing with a special interproximal brush to complement flossing. This is a special brush that gets into those hard to read places to really keep your mouth clean. We can discuss this with you should we think it beneficial.
Mouthwash – In some circumstances, a good mouthwash can offer a little extra protection. Not all mouthwashes on the market are created equal, so if you want to include one in your oral health regimen, we would be happy to discuss it with you when you visit.
Regular checkups – Regular visits to the dentist is also an important part of maintaining good oral health. The scheduling of such visits is actually very objective and depends entirely on your personal circumstances and the bacterial load that is marinating in your gum tissues. We will devise a dental visit program with you that deliver on your particular needs.
As well as being a permanent solution for a number of issues, dental implants are also long lasting and easy to maintain. If you look after them properly and follow our advice wherever you can, there’s no reason why they won’t still be providing that beautiful smile for the rest of your lifetime!
Contact Aesthetic Family Dentistry today if you would like to know more about dental implants.