Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

By December 16, 2013 August 27th, 2015 Dental Implants, Oral Health, perfect smile, Tooth Restoration
Most people will be a good candidate for dental implants. That’s one of the benefits of the procedure and one of the reasons we like it so much. As long as you’re healthy, have enough bone around the jaw and the rest of your mouth is happy and healthy you’re golden.

Let’s be a little more specific.

Overall Health

To be able to benefit fully from dental implants you need to be in overall good health. The healthier you are, the quicker and more effectively you heal. Certain conditions such as diabetes can interfere with healing and can compromise the results, but not in every case.

Being a smoker or heavy drinker can also be problematic for dental implants as it can cause healing to take longer and suppress the immune system. While we can still perform dental implant procedures on smokers and drinkers, it would be better to quit before and allow your body to heal itself.

Anyone with osteoporosis or other bone ailments will need to check with us beforehand to assess suitability.

Age and Gender

Currently, there are no age or gender issues in adults that would prevent you from benefitting from dental implants.

The more bone you have in your jaw and the healthier your remaining teeth and gums, the more successful the dental implant procedure will be. We can assess you properly in a consultation.

Good Oral Health

More important than age, gender or body health is the health of your mouth. Of all the things that influence the suitability for dental implants or the success of the procedure, oral health is the most important.

For dental implant surgery to work effectively, your jaw must have adequate healthy bone with which to work. Your remaining teeth must be in good condition and your oral health must be of a good standard. Without that good standard of oral health, healing may be compromised, as may the overall success of the dental implants.

We can advise and design a program that can tackle most oral health issues before undertaking dental implant procedures. Simply contact Aesthetic Family Dentistry today to schedule a consultation.